jeudi 24 juillet 2014

Sujets du 24 juillet 2014

Proverbe/citation du jour
«Dans le doute abstiens-toi.»-Pythagore

Vous croyez vraiment que Jason Browning est un héros? Pas moi!
Vous croyez vraiment que Jason Browning est un héros? Pas moi!

Jason Browning
Jason Browning, c'est ce père de famille de 35 ans de Palm Coast, en Floride, qui reçoit depuis quelques jours des éloges, après avoir sacré la volée de sa vie à un jeune homme de 18 ans, Raymond Frolander, un « ami de famille », qu'il a surpris, nu, en train d'abuser sexuellement du fils de Browning, âgé de 11 ans.

Jason Browning, qui clame avoir été lui-même victime d'abus sexuels dans son enfance, a appelé le 911 après avoir donné une « volée » à Frolander, seulement avec ses poings et ses mains selon ses dires, et il aurait été plus loin, s'il n'en avait été de son propre fils, qui l'a selon ses dires supplié d'épargner l'agresseur.

Raymond Frolander a avoué à la police qu'il aurait abusé du fils de Browning durant trois ans. Les forces de l'ordre n'ont pas porté d'accusation de voies de faits envers le père de l'enfant.

Browning est félicité par des centaines de personnes, via Internet, pour avoir donnée une leçon à un abuseur qui s'en tirerait « avec des pinottes » face au système de justice américain.

Raymond Frolander
Jason Browning, un HÉROS? Désolé, mais même si je comprends la colère d'un père pétant les plombs face à un abuseur, je ne crois pas que cela excuse ses gestes et le fait qu'il puisse se faire justice lui-même.

Sous ses airs de justicier bienveillant se cache peut-être une réalité des plus tordues!

Quelqu'un peut m'expliquer pourquoi, si ce père est aussi sensibilisé aux risques d'abus sexuels que peut vivre un enfant, lui-même en ayant été victime, pourquoi il ne s'est pas rendu compte de quoi que ce soit de louche au cours des 36 derniers mois?

Se pourrait-il que Browning soit lui-même un homosexuel refoulé, et que derrière ses bonnes intentions apparentes se cache un besoin inconscient de se défouler, notamment en tapant aussi fort que possible sur un gay? Des études passées indiquent par ailleurs, soit dit en passant, que les individus les plus enclins à s'attaquer aux homosexuels le sont eux-mêmes, mais de manière refoulée!

Se pourrait-il aussi, malgré le jeune âge du fils de Browning, que sa relation avec Frolander était consensuelle? En regardant les photos que Raymond Frolander a mises en ligne, on peut se faire une idée de ses tendances sexuelles potentielles :

Sachant l'histoire connue à travers le monde, Jason Browning a lancé une campagne de financement visant à collecter de l'argent pour les enfants victimes d'abus. Je n'ai trouvé que cette page sur un site de compagnie de musique, mais d'autres médias rapportent que le père aurait lancé une campagne de financement visant à recueillir 1 000 000$ sur le site Gofundme, mais la page aurait été supprimée mardi.

N'est-ce pas là un geste pour profiter de la notoriété que lui apporte soudainement le drame touchant son propre fils?

Tout ça pour dire qu'avant de considérer Jason Browning comme un héros, nous aurions tout intérêt à y regarder de plus près dans toute cette histoire, mais l'auditoire a tellement la mémoire courte que cette histoire risque de tomber dans les oubliettes avant qu'une telle analyse soit accomplie.

4 commentaires:

  1. N'importe quoi..tellement pro homo qu'elle défend l'indéfendable.
    Quand on a rien à dire...on fait pas un blog,on dit rien.

  2. Jason Browning was already known to be violent, there's actually some court evidence to prove this, there is also evidence that Jason was already abusive to Frolander. If Browning did set up this "molestation" thing against Raymond I Frolander then I feel sorry. But if he really did do it, then he got what he deserved. But the way his clothes were pulled down, looked like a set up to me. But he admitted to all charges. Can someone really hate someone that much that would set them up as a pedophile? If his son allowed his father to lie, and push a lie then they will both be dealt with by God. Lying is a sin. With Jason Browning's violence, only time will tell, if he attacks someone again to death. Will he use the "molestation" claim again? That's a great way to destroy someone's life, accuse them of being a pedo, and having the so-called victim lie. If Jason really did molest the boy, then why did the boy tell the father to stop hurting Raymond? You wouldn't defend someone who had been molesting you. Jason was going to actually kill him. He should have, because he more or less ruined someone's life. Someone who is possibly innocent. I spoke to Raymond's cousins, and they say, that he would never do something like that. So much injustice in the world. To think a possible fake claim can literally destroy your whole life. I really think that Jason Browning beat Raymond for no reason, and removed his clothing. Why else would you take a picture of his beaten up and with his pants down, his pants down that I think Jason Browning pulled down. Raymond I Frolander, I am so sorry if you are innocent. The justice system is corrupt, and you should have FOUGHT against these people in court. LIES would have been exposed if you had not took the PLEA deal. These so-called PLEA deals are more or less to get you to confess to a crime you possibly didn't commit for a lesser sentence. Also the JUDGES already half of the time have their judgement set up. So you'd lose anyway, but at least you would have tried to have stood your ground.

  3. Jason Browning was already known to be violent, there's actually some court evidence to prove this, there is also evidence that Jason was already abusive to Frolander. If Browning did set up this "molestation" thing against Raymond I Frolander then I feel sorry. But if he really did do it, then he got what he deserved. But the way his clothes were pulled down, looked like a set up to me. But he admitted to all charges. Can someone really hate someone that much that would set them up as a pedophile? If his son allowed his father to lie, and push a lie then they will both be dealt with by God. Lying is a sin. With Jason Browning's violence, only time will tell, if he attacks someone again to death. Will he use the "molestation" claim again? That's a great way to destroy someone's life, accuse them of being a pedo, and having the so-called victim lie. If Jason really did molest the boy, then why did the boy tell the father to stop hurting Raymond? You wouldn't defend someone who had been molesting you. Jason was going to actually kill him. He should have, because he more or less ruined someone's life. Someone who is possibly innocent. I spoke to Raymond's cousins, and they say, that he would never do something like that. So much injustice in the world. To think a possible fake claim can literally destroy your whole life. I really think that Jason Browning beat Raymond for no reason, and removed his clothing. Why else would you take a picture of his beaten up and with his pants down, his pants down that I think Jason Browning pulled down. Raymond I Frolander, I am so sorry if you are innocent. The justice system is corrupt, and you should have FOUGHT against these people in court. LIES would have been exposed if you had not took the PLEA deal. These so-called PLEA deals are more or less to get you to confess to a crime you possibly didn't commit for a lesser sentence. Also the JUDGES already half of the time have their judgement set up. So you'd lose anyway, but at least you would have tried to have stood your ground.

  4. I like very much what you wrote. I am not willing to exonerate pedophiles but this case is exemplary of the unacceptable excesses of Justice in USA, particularly in Florida. First, although I am not a leftist nor a woke activist, nor even a liberal in any way, I think condemning this young boy to 25 years in jail for this type of possible molestation, is the sure mark of a barbarous, grossly uncivilized culture.
    Second, the boy is poor and was not defended in court properly. With a decent lawyer he would have gotten far less, if anything at all.
    Many negative elements point at Jason Browning. He said himself that he had been molested when young. I strongly believe he is gay (consciously or not). There is a very serious possibility that over the 3 years Raymond Frolander visited his house, Jason noticed that the boy was good-looking and had attractive boyish features. Jason likely conveyed this attraction to him, if only by greeting him to his house. But, since R.F. was already close friend with his son, and (as he admitted) had sex with him, he was not interested by the father and his attitude has probably made Jason understand he had no chance. At some point he resented it, but kept letting him visit his son knowing why... He may not have figured out at once the exact level of what was really going on between his son and the other boy (although this is not consistant with so much interest between the two boys, despite 7 years age difference). More likely, he has known it early but never took them red handed. He planned his revenge anyway for when R.F. would be an adult. This is why he now claims he beat him (almost to death) after he discovered it (strangely only a few days after Frolander became 18 yo). To me Jason is a vicious calculator and a very dangerous murderer. He is also a sissy and a coward because he knew Frolander had absolutely not the physical strength able to match his own very strong (gay) muscles, carefully prepared at the gym.


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