du jour
“L’égalité ne consiste pas simplement à être traitée à
égalité avec les hommes mais à se traiter soi-même de la façon
dont on traite les hommes.”-Mario Thomas
V agressé dans un bar à Montréal
Le blogueur américain Roosh V, qui cause la controverse relativement
à ses idées sur les femmes et qui a prononcé une conférence à
Montréal en fin de semaine, a été victime
d'une agression dans un bar de la ville samedi soir dernier. Il
en fait mention sur Twitter :
L'agression a été filmée et est disponible sur Youtube. La version ici bas a été traitée afin que l'image soit plus claire :
Imaginez ce qui se serait produit si Roosh V et son entourage avaient
répliqué à l'attaque. Les médias en auraient certainement parlé
Le blogueur a porté plainte à la police suite à cette agression.
Voici sa version des faits, telle que publiée dans
son forum :
I was walking with a group of male friends on Prince Authur street
when I asked three women on the sidewalk for advice on which bar to
go to. We talked for 5 minutes then all entered the bar that was in
front of us. We had a round of tequilla shots. I did not know them
I talked to one girl of the group who gave me the name "Jennifer." She complimented my beard and general attractiveness and asked me to come outside with her for a cigarette. She is approximately 23 years old, shoulder length hair, brown hair, brown eyes, and slim build. She has a piercing between her nose like farm bulls have.
I went outside and sat next to her. She began sensually rubbing her legs against mine. Her skirt was short. She went back inside and I found my friends.
After 5 minutes, a group of men entered the bar that were friends with the girl. They asked me to come outside to have a drink with them. I went outside and one of the men began acting aggressively towards me, asking me for my birth name. He was a tall man with a beard and ponytail. His English was not very good.
I stepped back and then "Jennifer" approached me aggressively and said, "Is your name Roosh?" I use this name for my online writings and published literature, but did not confirm it to her verbally. Then suddenly she threw her entire beer at my head. Two more of her female friends threw beers at me. I had to remove my wig because it was soaked with beer. The group tried to assault me further but I backed away with my friends. I feared for my safety.
As I left the bar, the group followed me, yelling vulgar language. One girl yelled, "Eat my cunt." We entered a building and they tried to trespass, but we closed the door. I called the police at that time and they took a brief statement, but did not make an arrest.
After the incident, a member of the group uploaded the video of the assault on Youtube under the title "Roosh V gets beer thrown in his face." It clearly shows them attacking me without just cause. One member of the group named Jessica Lelievre then boasted on Twitter from the account @Jess_Lelievre that she participated in the assault. She wrote, "Pooring my drink on Roosh V's head was the best moment EVER!!" (She misspelled the word 'pouring'.) Her profile states that she is a university student at Concordia.
Jessica looks similar to "Jennifer" but she is more plump in weight and does not have a piercing. She has brown hair, light brown eyes, and a large nose. After looking at her social networking accounts online, I can confirm that she participated in the attack by throwing a beer at me.
All throughout the night, her friends shared my Montreal address on Twitter, Youtube, and Reddit with the intent to continue their assault against me. I do not know the real name of "Jennifer," but she did state that Jessica Lelievre and her were "best friends forever."
I talked to one girl of the group who gave me the name "Jennifer." She complimented my beard and general attractiveness and asked me to come outside with her for a cigarette. She is approximately 23 years old, shoulder length hair, brown hair, brown eyes, and slim build. She has a piercing between her nose like farm bulls have.
I went outside and sat next to her. She began sensually rubbing her legs against mine. Her skirt was short. She went back inside and I found my friends.
After 5 minutes, a group of men entered the bar that were friends with the girl. They asked me to come outside to have a drink with them. I went outside and one of the men began acting aggressively towards me, asking me for my birth name. He was a tall man with a beard and ponytail. His English was not very good.
I stepped back and then "Jennifer" approached me aggressively and said, "Is your name Roosh?" I use this name for my online writings and published literature, but did not confirm it to her verbally. Then suddenly she threw her entire beer at my head. Two more of her female friends threw beers at me. I had to remove my wig because it was soaked with beer. The group tried to assault me further but I backed away with my friends. I feared for my safety.
As I left the bar, the group followed me, yelling vulgar language. One girl yelled, "Eat my cunt." We entered a building and they tried to trespass, but we closed the door. I called the police at that time and they took a brief statement, but did not make an arrest.
After the incident, a member of the group uploaded the video of the assault on Youtube under the title "Roosh V gets beer thrown in his face." It clearly shows them attacking me without just cause. One member of the group named Jessica Lelievre then boasted on Twitter from the account @Jess_Lelievre that she participated in the assault. She wrote, "Pooring my drink on Roosh V's head was the best moment EVER!!" (She misspelled the word 'pouring'.) Her profile states that she is a university student at Concordia.
Jessica looks similar to "Jennifer" but she is more plump in weight and does not have a piercing. She has brown hair, light brown eyes, and a large nose. After looking at her social networking accounts online, I can confirm that she participated in the attack by throwing a beer at me.
All throughout the night, her friends shared my Montreal address on Twitter, Youtube, and Reddit with the intent to continue their assault against me. I do not know the real name of "Jennifer," but she did state that Jessica Lelievre and her were "best friends forever."
Une des femmes qui ont lancé de la bière à Roosh , Jessica Lelièvre,
a publié un message pour dire que c'est « le meilleur moment
de sa vie » via son
compte Twitter, qui a été fermé depuis. Elle indique aussi
l'adresse où se trouvait Roosh V en fin de semaine :
La « femme aux jambes sexy » qui a approché Roosh V a
aussi publié un message sur Facebook pour exprimer sa façon de
penser à propos du blogueur :
L'adresse où réside Roosh V à Montréal est donnée et le texte évoque des gestes violents à son endroit. Qui est intimidé dans toute l'histoire?
Jessica Lelièvre (Twitter) |
Qui est Jessica Lelièvre? Une recherche rapide m'a permis de
découvrir qu'elle a étudié en sciences politiques à l'université
Concordia, étant
même présidente de son association étudiante. La dame doit
senti la soupe chaude suite à la plainte que Roosh V a porté à la
police parce qu'elle a fermé son compte twitter et son
compte LinkedIn n'est également plus disponible au moment où
j'écris ces lignes.
L'étudiante en sciences politiques fait face à la justice pour
avoir entravé la tenue de cours durant la grève étudiante du
printemps 2015, comme
en fait foi cet article du journal Ricochet. Elle s'est aussi
impliquée avec un
comité de révision de la politique de l'université sur les
agressions sexuelles.
Jessica Lelièvre |
Des féministes accusent Roosh V de promouvoir la violence envers les
femmes. À ce que je sache, depuis son arrivée au Canada, il n'a
commis aucun geste criminel selon nos lois. Ses opposantes, quant à
elles, se plaignent d'être victimes de menaces et d'agressions, mais
jusqu'ici, la seule personne agressée dans toute cette histoire
est... Roosh V. N'est-il pas paradoxal de noter que ces dames qui
prêchent haut et fort l'arrêt de la violence sont les premières à
en faire usage pour faire taire une personne dont les idées ne leur
plaisent pas?
Roosh V a déclaré qu'il compte revenir à Montréal si la cause se
rend jusqu'aux tribunaux. J'ai hâte de connaître la suite et j'ose
espérer que les dames impliquées dans l'affaire, des dames qui
souhaitent tant l'égalité entre l'homme et la femme, seront jugées
exactement de la même manière que le serait un homme commettant une
telle agression.
J'ai hâte de lire le commentaire de Sylvain Bérubé, le prof anarchiste de sherbrooke, au sujet de la violence des anarcha-féministes impliquées dans cette agression... . :-)